chisquare package history
vers 0.9:
- Calculation of the power of the traditional chi-square test
- Parameter ‘power.alpha’ added to allow the user to set the alpha
level used for the power calculation;
- First and last rendered table updated to reflect the added power
- In the first and last rendered table, the report of the
(N-1)/N-corrected chi-square test has been moved up and placed right
after the traditional chi-square test, and right before the report of
the permuted and Monte Carlo version of the test;
- Same as above for the list of results returned by the function;
- The list of the returned results has been updated to report the
power of the traditional chi-square test;
- Default value of the ‘tfs’ parameter reduced to 13;
- Fixes, improvements, and updates to the help documentation.
vers 0.8:
- Permutation-based p-value for the chi-squared statistic added;
- The calculation of the p-value for the permutation-based and Monte
Carlo method has been modified from
(1+sum(chistat.simulated>=chisq.stat)) / (B+1) to
- The optional plot of the permutation distribution of the chi-square
statistic has been added;
- The option of plotting the permutation and the Monte Carlo
distribution side-by-side has been added;
- In the plot showing the distribution of the Monte Carlo chi-squared
values, the main and sub title have been amended: reference to
“permutation” has been changed to “Monte Carlo”;
- The minimum and the average expected count are now reported in the
last rendered table;
- An annotation has been added to the first rendered table in order to
give suggestions as to the selection of the most “reliable” chi-square
result on the basis of different criteria (following literature; see
help documentation);
- In the first rendered output table, the items featuring the
annotation at the bottom of the table have been grouped and separated by
an empty line to enhance readability;
- Unlike version 0.7, for determining the magnitude of the association
expressed by Cadj, Cramer’s V, and V biased-corrected, the coefficients
are not internally converted to Cohen’s w, but the Cohen’s thresholds
for small, medium, and large effect are dinamically internally computed
on the basis of the table’s df;
- For consistency, the indication of the magnitude of the association
for the W coefficient is now based on the Cohen’s thresholds, using the
same procedure employed for Cadj, Cramer’s V, and V
- Scholarly literature about the average expected count added to the
help documentation;
- Help documentation updated and improved content-wise.
vers 0.7:
- Indication of effect size added to Phi, Phi signed, Phi corrected,
- Changes and fix in the method underlying the indication of the
effect size for Cramer’s V and bias-corrected V; these changes
(following Sheskin 2011) allow to provide indication of effect size for
tables of any size;
- Wald 95 percent confidence interval around the Monte Carlo
(permutation-based) chi-square p-value added;
- The 95 percent CI around the permuted p-value is reported in the
annotations at the bottom of the first produced table, and in the
Analysis report
- Phi-corrected added;
- W coefficient added (including magnitude of effect size and
bootstrap 95% CI);
- W is also reported in the annotation at the bottom of the first
tables produced by the function;
- Corrected version of Goodman-Kruskal’s lambda (both aymmetric and
asymmetric) added;
- In the annotations at the bottom of the first table produced by the
function, Goodman-Kruskal symmetric lambda has been replaced by its
corrected version for its ability to addresses skewed or unbalanced
marginal probabilities which create problems to the traditional
- The magnitude of the effect indicated by the odds ratio (introduced
in ver. 0.6) is not returned anymore, but only reported in the
Analysis report
table for consistency with other effect
size magnitude indication;
- Labels used for the magnitude of effect size slightly modified to
enhance clarity and consistency;
- The returned results are organised into a nested list format for
better clarity and accessibility:
, G.square
, chi.sq.based.assoc.measures
, and
- Help documentation updated and improved content-wise;
- An error in the help documentation has been amended: the adjusted
chi-square statistic was described as produced by “dividing” the
chi-square value by (N-1)/N; “dividing” was meant to read
- Relevant scholarly references added.
vers 0.6
- chi-square test adjusted by the (N-1)/N correction added;
- magnitude of the effect size as indicated by the odds ratio
- help documentation updated, and improved content-wise;
- relevant scholarly references added.
vers 0.5
- the plot of odds ratios is now returned for cross-tabs featuring 2
rows and at least 2 columns;
- to enhance consistency and clarity, the parameter ‘row_category’ has
been renamed to ‘row.level’; the parameter ‘reference_level’ has been
renamed to ‘reference.level’;
- Haldane-Anscombe correction added in the calculation of odds
- to improve clarity, minor adjustments have been carried out to the
error messages returned when the parameter ‘plot.or’ is ‘TRUE’ but the
input cross-tab does not meet the needed requirements (2xk, where k
>= 2);
- help documentation updated and improved content- and
vers 0.4
- the facility to plot the odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals
for table of size 2xk (where k>2) has been added;
- the above added facility rests on a new internal function
- amendments and updates to the help documentation.
vers 0.3
- Moment-corrected standardized residuals added;
- 95% confidence interval for Cramer’s V added;
- The output version of the input cross-tabulation now reports some
essential analytical results in an annotation at the bottom of the
- Fix to the output version of the input cross-tabulation when cells
feature a frequency of 0;
- The Goodman-Kruskal’s tau reported in previous versions is now
indicated as “columns dependent”“, and the”row dependent” version of the
same coefficent is now calculated and reported.
vers 0.2
- Relative contributions to the chi-square added;
- Contributions to the chi-square previously reported in ver_0.1 are
now called absolute contribution;
- Bibliographical reference added for the abovementioned
- Significance level of the reported standardized and adjusted
standardized residuals can be corrected using the Sidak’s alpha
adjustment method;
- G-square test added;
- Symmetric Goodman-Kruskal’s lambda and Goodman-Kruskal’s tau
- Cohen’s k (with 95% CI) added;
- Odds ratio (with p value and 95% CI) added (for 2x2 tables);
- Effect size for Cramer’s V and Cramer’s V bias-corrected added to
the table of the test’s results; returned for tables with up to 5
degrees of freedom according to Cohen 1988;
- Degrees of freedom added to the output table reporting the test’s
- The distribution of the permuted chi-square statistic can be
optionally plotted;
- Fix in the calculation of the cells contribution (in percent) to the
- Output tables formatted using the ‘gt’ package instead of
- Option added to customize the font size of the output tables;
- Improvements to the content and layout of the help
vers 0.1
first release to CRAN