What’s new in chisquare
version 1.0:
- Chi-square-maximising table added; it is returned and rendered;
- Ancillary function to compute the Chi-square-maximising table
- Chi-squared value computed on the Chi-square-maximising table is
returned and reported in the annotation of the rendered
chi-square-maximising table; it is also reported in the last rendered
- Cramer V corrected added; it is returned and reported in the first
and last rendered tables;
- Phi.max in now returned and reported in the last rendered
- Changes and fixes to the ancillary function for the computation of
phi.max, which was producing a wrong value in some instances;
- Standardised version of the input table added; it is returned and
- Internal ancillary function for the computation of the standardised
tables added (based on Iterative Proportional Fitting);
- New parameters added to allow the user to select the type of target
marginals to be used for table standardisation;
- Cramer’s V computed on the standardised table added;
- 1-(Cramer’s V/Cramer’s V standardised) added;
- Verbal articulation of the strength of the association measured by
Yule’s Q added;
- Yule’s Y, its p-value, and the verbal articulation of the strength
of the association added;
- Independent odds ratio returned and rendered for tables larger than
- Odds ratio, Yule’s Q, and Yule’s Y added to annotations in the first
rendered table;
- Quetelet index and IJ association factor added: they are returned
and also rendered in two dedicated tables;
- Table of adjusted standardised counts added: it is returned and
rendered in a dedicated table;
- The object “residuals” contained in the returned list has been
renamed as “post.hoc”;
- In the first rendered table, the report of the symmetric corrected
Goodman-Kruskal’s lambda replaced by the report of the (uncorrected)
- Minor modification in the style of the annotations in the first
rendered table: Italics has been dropped to enhance readability. It has
been kept in the last part of the annotation, where suggestions as to
the “best” chi-squared analysis are given;
- Help documentation updated content-wise, with some layout