The goal of rmacrostrat
is to streamline and improve
accessibility to the geological database Macrostrat. The package provides
functionality for querying the database via the dedicated application
programming interface (API) and retrieving various geological data
(e.g., lithostratigraphic units) and definitions/metadata associated
with those data and Macrostrat more broadly.
The stable version of rmacrostrat
can be installed from
CRAN using:
You can install the development version of rmacrostrat
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("palaeoverse/rmacrostrat") devtools
A minimal example of getting and plotting a stratigraphic column for the San Juan Basin:
# Load packages
# Get the column definition of the San Juan Basin
<- def_columns(column_name = "San Juan Basin")
column_def # Using the column ID, retrieve all units of Cretaceous age
<- get_units(column_id = column_def$col_id,
san_juan_units interval_name = "Cretaceous")
# Specify x_min and x_max in dataframe
$x_min <- 0
san_juan_units$x_max <- 1
san_juan_units# Tweak values for overlapping units
$x_max[10] <- 0.5
san_juan_units$x_min[11] <- 0.5
san_juan_units# Add midpoint age for plotting
$m_age <- (san_juan_units$b_age +
san_juan_units$t_age) / 2
san_juan_units# Plot stratigraphic column
ggplot(san_juan_units, aes(ymin = b_age, ymax = t_age,
xmin = x_min, xmax = x_max)) +
# Plot units, colored by rock type
geom_rect(fill = san_juan_units$color, color = "black") +
# Add text labels
geom_text_repel(aes(x = x_max, y = m_age, label = unit_name),
box.padding = 0.1, nudge_x = 3,
size = 3.5) +
# Reverse direction of y-axis
scale_y_reverse(limits = c(145, 66), n.breaks = 10,
name = "Time (Ma)") +
# Theming
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.line.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
# Add geological time scale
coord_geo(pos = "left", dat = list("stages"), rot = 90)
A minimal example of getting and plotting outcrop data for the Hell Creek formation:
# Load libraries
# Get data for the chosen formation
<- def_strat_names(strat_name = "Hell Creek", rank = "Fm")
hc_def # Get spatial outcrop data for the formation
<- get_map_outcrop(strat_name_id = hc_def$strat_name_id, sf = TRUE)
hc # Plot the map
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = hc, fill = "#C7622B", lwd = 0) +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-112, -97), ylim = c(44, 50)) +
A minimal example of getting and plotting the number of marine units through time for North America:
# Load libraries
# Get all carbonate units for North America
<- get_units(environ_class = "marine",
units interval_name = "Phanerozoic",
project_id = 1)
# Add mid age for units
$mid_age <- (units$b_age + units$t_age) / 2
units# Plot data
ggplot(units, aes(x = mid_age)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, center = 5,
color = "black", fill = "#add8e6") +
scale_y_continuous("Number of marine units") +
scale_x_reverse("Time (Ma)", limits = c(538.8, 0)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position.inside = c(0.1, 0.9)) +
Extensive example usage of rmacrostrat
is provided in
the package vignettes/tutorials. These can be accessed online or in R
browseVignettes(package = "rmacrostrat")
If you are interested in contributing to the rmacrostrat
R package, you can do so by following these guidelines.
We have also adopted a set of standards
and structure to broadly follow for contributing to Palaeoverse R
packages. If you would like to contribute to rmacrostrat
we strongly advise reading this document.
As with any community project, society, or meeting we feel it is
important to established some expectations of behaviour in the
community. Please read our code of
conduct, and reach out if you ever face any issues. Everyone has the
right to live and work in a harassment-free environment.
If you use the rmacrostrat
R package in your work,
please cite as:
Jones, L.A., Dean, C.D., Gearty, W., and Allen, B.J. 2024. rmacrostrat: An R package for accessing and retrieving data from the Macrostrat geological database. EarthArXiv. doi: 10.31223/X5XX37.
Hexlogo by Miranta Kouvari