Google Cloud Platform may slightly change its website. If this occurs, help us by informing at rgee issues. Based on Interacting with Google Storage in R by Thomas Hegghammer.
This tutorial explains how to integrate rgee and Google Cloud Storage (GCS) step by step. In rgee, GCS is used as an intermediary container for massive downloading/uploading of files which is more flexible than Google Drive. At today’s date (December 2021), GCS is free for uses of less than 0.5 GB.
The bulk of GCS & rgee sync issues is related to the creation of a service accounts key (SaK) with not enough privileges for writing/reading in GCS buckets. In order to create, configure and locally store your SaK, perform as follow:
Go to, and create an account. You will have to add your address and a credit card.
Go to console.
If it is your first time using GCP, you are assigned a project named My first project. If you want to create a new project (OPTIONAL). First, click on ‘My first project’ in the top blue bar, just to the right of ‘Google Cloud Platform’, and then ‘NEW PROJECT’.