The mizer package implements multi-species dynamic Size-spectrum models in R. It has been designed for modelling aquatic ecosystems.
Using mizer is relatively simple. There are four main stages, each described in more detail in sections below.
If you run into any difficulties or have any questions or suggestions, let us know about it by posting about it on our issue tracker. You can also twitter to @mizer_model. We love to hear from you.
A good way to get into mizer is to follow the online mizer course. This course has three parts, each consisting of several tutorials with example code and exercises:
Part 1:
You will gain an understanding of size spectra and their dynamics by
exploring simple example systems hands-on with mizer.
Part 2:
You will build your own multi-species mizer model for the Celtic sea,
following our example. You can also create a model for your own area of
[Part 3: Use]((
You will explore the effects of changes in fishing and changes in
resource dynamics on the fish community and the fisheries yield. You
will run your own model scenarios.