In this vignette I’ll explain how to use the CopernicusDEM R package based on a use case of the Movebank animal tracking data. I picked animal tracking data because there is an abundance in the Movebank archive from all over the world. In this specific vignette I’ll use data of Wolves from the northeastern Alberta and Caribou from the British Columbia (see the reference papers at the end of the vignette for more information).
The following wrapped code snippet creates the leaflet and tmap maps of this vignette, and it does the following:
# We disable s2
sf::sf_use_s2(use_s2 = FALSE)
# We load the .csv files
files = c(system.file('vignette_data/Alberta_Wolves.csv', package = "CopernicusDEM"),
system.file('vignette_data/Mountain_caribou.csv', package = "CopernicusDEM"))
leafgl_data = tmap_data = list()
for (FILE in files) {
cat(glue::glue("Processing of the '{basename(FILE)}' file ..."), '\n')
dtbl = data.table::fread(FILE, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cols = c('location-long', 'location-lat', 'timestamp', 'individual-local-identifier',
dtbl_subs = dtbl[, ..cols]
colnames(dtbl_subs) = c('longitude', 'latitude', 'timestamp', 'individual_local_identifier',
leafgl_data[[unique(dtbl_subs$`individual-taxon-canonical-name`)]] = dtbl_subs
dtbl_subs_sf = sf::st_as_sf(dtbl_subs, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)
sf_rst_ext = fitbitViz::extend_AOI_buffer(dat_gps_tcx = dtbl_subs_sf,
buffer_in_meters = 250,
CRS = 4326,
verbose = TRUE)
# Download the Copernicus DEM 30m elevation data because it has
# a better resolution, it takes a bit longer to download because
# the .tif file size is bigger
dem_dir = tempdir()
sfc_obj = sf_rst_ext$sfc_obj |>
dem30 = CopernicusDEM::aoi_geom_save_tif_matches(sf_or_file = sfc_obj,
dir_save_tifs = dem_dir,
resolution = 30,
crs_value = 4326,
threads = parallel::detectCores(),
verbose = TRUE)
TIF = list.files(dem_dir, pattern = '.tif', full.names = TRUE)
if (length(TIF) > 1) {
# create a .VRT file if I have more than 1 .tif files
file_out = file.path(dem_dir, 'VRT_mosaic_FILE.vrt')
vrt_dem30 = CopernicusDEM::create_VRT_from_dir(dir_tifs = dem_dir,
output_path_VRT = file_out,
verbose = TRUE)
if (length(TIF) == 1) {
# if I have a single .tif file keep the first index
file_out = TIF[1]
raysh_rst = fitbitViz::crop_DEM(tif_or_vrt_dem_file = file_out,
sf_buffer_obj = sfc_obj,
verbose = TRUE)
# convert to character to receive the correct labels in the 'tmap' object
dtbl_subs_sf$individual_local_identifier = as.character(dtbl_subs_sf$individual_local_identifier)
# use the latest version of the "tmap" R package (greater than version "3.99")
# open with interactive viewer
map_coords = tmap::tm_shape(shp = dtbl_subs_sf) +
tmap::tm_dots(col = 'individual_local_identifier')
map_coords = map_coords + tmap::tm_shape(shp = raysh_rst, is.master = FALSE, name = 'Elevation') +
tmap::tm_raster(col_alpha = 0.65, reverse = TRUE)
tmap_data[[unique(dtbl_subs$`individual-taxon-canonical-name`)]] = map_coords
Now, based on the saved data.tables we can create first the leaflet map to view the data of both animals in the same map,
# create the 'leafGl' of both datasets
dtbl_all = rbind(leafgl_data$`Canis lupus`, leafgl_data$`Rangifer tarandus`)
# see the number of observations for each animal
# create an 'sf' object of both data.tables
dat_gps_tcx = sf::st_as_sf(dtbl_all, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)
lft = leaflet::leaflet()
lft = leaflet::addProviderTiles(map = lft, provider = leaflet::providers$OpenTopoMap)
lft = leafgl::addGlPoints(map = lft,
data = dat_gps_tcx,
opacity = 1.0,
fillColor = 'individual-taxon-canonical-name',
popup = 'individual-taxon-canonical-name')